What is an Online GP Service?
Add significant value to your employee healthcare schemes with a 24 hour medical helpline staffed by qualified and experienced doctors and nurses. It is accessible from anywhere in the world and provides peace of mind with medical information and advice just a phone call away at any time of the day or night.
Why is an Online GP Service so Important?
With 24/7 access to our private helpline, your employees can speak to a GP anytime they need, wherever they are.
A medical helpline can be used to access useful medical information and advice on matters ranging from a confidential discussion of symptoms and worries through to advice on common medical problems, vaccinations, international pharmaceutical equivalents or information and advice on a range of lifestyle issues.
The Online GP Service can be provided on either a company funded basis as a stand-alone service, or on an employer or employee funded basis as an embedded service within PMI or a Health Cash Plan.
The Online GP Service can be administered through the Advantage Vault portal, allowing for significant savings in both cost and administration when compared to running the sign-up process by way of flex platform or via internal administration.
Please contact us for additional details and to talk through any questions.
Please note that this is an English language service.
It is a particularly valuable benefit when someone is struck by medical problems late at night or whilst abroad and away from their usual medical support and services.
The service includes:
General medical advice and discussion of common medical problems;
The opportunity to discuss symptoms and worries confidentially;
Travel health information pre- and post-travel;
Pre and post-operative treatment advice;
Advice and information on a range of lifestyle issues;
Advice on health services and appropriate care pathways;
Advice on common chronic medical conditions, for example diabetes, heart disease, asthma, stroke;
Patient drug information;
Advice on equivalent drugs available overseas.